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Ministry of information and communication Technology

The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology [MoICT] is the government entity responsible for articulating policy in the areas of Information Technology, Telecommunications, and Post in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The sectors within Information Technology (IT) and Telecommunications are identified as particular drivers and enablers of economic and social growth. MoICT has overall responsibility for the achievement of National goals and objectives within ICT, and has various means and relationships at its disposal through which to achieve them. MoICT accordingly has broad powers of oversight and action within the sectors that comprise ICT.

In addition to developing, incubating, and supporting ICT initiatives at a national level, the Ministry’s mandate includes stimulating local and foreign technology investments as well as promoting awareness and adoption of ICT by all segments by all segments of the population, in an all-inclusive approach.

The Ministry, through a dynamic public-private partnership process, works to create, promote, and drive new ICT opportunities in Jordan, which will facilitate the positioning of the Kingdom as a regional player in technology adoption and development, a key step to creating a knowledge-based economy.

Official WebSite Ministry of information and communication Technology

Official website for E-GoV Program

e-Government Strategy 2014-2016